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How To Exponentially
Grow Your Savings…
Without Any Risk Of Loss

Qualified retirement plans such as 401Ks and IRAs have a serious flaw: since they typically invest your money in the stock market, you can’t control or predict what your nest egg’s value will be when you need it in the future.

And even if you manage your portfolio properly (buying and selling based on logical analysis, rebalancing, and adjusting your asset allocation as you age), you can still get hit with brokerage fees that can reduce your portfolio’s value up to 31.8%!*

There is a better way.

You are invited to watch this free video where you will learn…

  • How you can save for your retirement without having to risk losing what you have worked so hard to achieve, and how to attain a retirement that is 100% tax-free.
  • How to contractually guarantee that your savings will grow at an exponential rate.
  • How it’s possible to use your savings to make purchases without negatively affecting your guaranteed rate of growth.

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* Figure is based on the following scenario: $10,000 a year in a retirement plan that averages 7% returns over 30 years. If there is a 2% brokerage fee each year, the cumulative total fees will be $222,284 more than if the brokerage fee was 0.5%, a 31.8% difference in monetary value. Source: Do You Know How Much You Are Paying In 401(k) Fees? by Jeff Reeves.